Find out all about Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers
tudo facetas dentárias

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers, sometimes called contact lenses, are thin layers of ceramic adhered to the outer surface of the teeth with the main aim of improving their appearance. With this type of treatment it is possible to change the colour, shape, orientation, size and even the length of the teeth.

The fact that they are made of ceramic means that the end result is highly aesthetic and natural, since this material has properties very similar to tooth enamel.

What are they used for? What kind of problems can they fix?

Veneers are indicated when teeth are healthy but their aesthetics are not pleasing. In other words, they are applied to teeth that are darkened, worn, chipped, misaligned or have diastemas (gaps) between them.

Can anyone have them? At what age and with what kind of problems do people most often seek this type of solution?

There are no medical contraindications to the placement of veneers. However, they should be reserved for teeth that are unsightly but still have preserved natural tooth structure. Cases of badly destroyed teeth are usually better suited to other types of treatment, such as crowns.

There is no standard age for the placement of veneers, but since it is a cosmetic treatment, it is usually most sought after by patients aged 18-45, of both sexes. Patients who are under the age of majority (or whose body growth has not been finalised) are not candidates for this type of treatment.

What does this technique consist of?

The first consultation consists of an assessment, diagnosis and planning. It is essential that the patient states their aesthetic goals. The dentist’s “clinical eye” and, above all, his professional experience in this type of treatment is fundamental to obtaining an aesthetic and natural end result that suits the person in front of him.

At the second appointment, based on prior planning, minimal preparations are made on the outside of the tooth and its mould. In most cases, the need for wear is so insignificant that it is unnoticeable to the human eye.

The third and final appointment consists of the final cementation of the veneers.

What guarantees do you have for results?

The final results in aesthetic terms are usually excellent and capable of greatly improving the patient’s smile. All veneers are tested and validated by the patient before they are cemented in place, so that they receive something that they are completely happy with.

In terms of durability, if there is daily care and regular oral hygiene checks, veneers can easily last for more than 15-20 years.

Do you think the Portuguese take good care of the health and aesthetics of their mouths?

There is clearly a change in the oral hygiene habits of the Portuguese, with visible effects on dental health. All the education done in this area over the last few years is starting to have an effect. However, it is still one of medicine’s poor relations and one of the most neglected.

In terms of dental aesthetics, the global trend is following suit, with a significant increase in demand for aesthetic dental treatments such as whitening, orthodontics and veneers. Unfortunately, the fact that this type of treatment is only practised privately means that it is not accessible to all Portuguese people

“I decided to get dental veneers at the suggestion of my doctor, and the treatment went very well.

The treatment exceeded my expectations because I was able to smile again, and although this wasn’t a problem that bothered me much, I felt that it was hiding my smile and that I needed to get it back.”

- Helena Esteves, 54 years

Is it expensive to have a prettier smile?

There is a widespread idea that dentistry is a very expensive area. However, this idea is linked to the previous point and the fact that many people neglect their oral health and put it on the back burner.

Treatment is usually sought in borderline situations (often associated with severe pain) where there is a need for extensive treatment on most teeth, which obviously makes treatment more expensive. On the other hand, if you maintain your teeth carefully, whether at home or at regular oral hygiene appointments, keeping your smile beautiful is extremely cheap.

If the original smile is not pleasant and veneers are recommended, the cost depends on the patient, but we can say that each veneer costs an average of €600.

How long does the treatment take?

In most cases it’s a relatively quick treatment, usually requiring just three visits over two weeks.

Dr. Carlos Almeida

Dr. Carlos Almeida

Dentist (Registered with the Ordem do Médicos Dentistas under Nº 5873)

| Exclusive practice in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation

| Co-Founder of Instituto Dentário do Alto dos Moinhos

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