Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers, sometimes called contact lenses, are thin layers of ceramic adhered to the outer surface of the teeth with the main aim of improving their appearance. With this type of treatment it is possible to correct/modify the colour, shape, orientation, size and even the length of the teeth.

Dental veneers can be made from different biocompatible materials, the most commonly used being all-ceramic veneers and composite resin veneers.

It is a technically very sensitive treatment that requires extensive experience on the part of the dentist, who always seeks a balance between expectations and the result obtained. The shape, volume and colour of each dental veneer must be chosen carefully, in harmony with the unique characteristics of each patient.

At Instituto Dentário Alto dos Moinhos, each smile is unique and special and, as such, we mould our dental veneers to the needs, expectations and characteristics of each patient. Each veneer is individually designed, seeking to achieve a unique and natural smile in every detail.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers, sometimes called contact lenses, are thin layers of ceramic adhered to the outer surface of the teeth with the main aim of improving their appearance. With this type of treatment it is possible to correct/modify the colour, shape, orientation, size and even the length of the teeth.

Dental veneers can be made from different biocompatible materials, the most commonly used being all-ceramic veneers and composite resin veneers.

It is a technically very sensitive treatment that requires extensive experience on the part of the dentist, who always seeks a balance between expectations and the result obtained. The shape, volume and colour of each dental veneer must be chosen carefully, in harmony with the unique characteristics of each patient.

At Instituto Dentário Alto dos Moinhos, each smile is unique and special and, as such, we mould our dental veneers to the needs, expectations and characteristics of each patient. Each veneer is individually designed, seeking to achieve a unique and natural smile in every detail.

Advantages of Dental Veneers

The placement of dental veneers is the treatment of excellence when it comes to non-invasive oral rehabilitation. With the placement of dental veneers it is possible:

  • Achieve a highly aesthetic and natural final result with a high degree of durability, since the ceramic has properties very similar to tooth enamel;
  • A precise adaptation between the ceramic of the dental veneer and the enamel of the tooth, with the tooth and veneer becoming one, increasing their resistance;
  • Creating a unique, natural and harmonious smile, moulded to the patient’s wishes and expectations, through prior planning and sharing with the patient;
  • Carry out a conservative treatment in which we avoid wearing down the surface of the tooth in order to apply the veneers. However, when this is not possible and tooth wear is necessary, it should be minimal (between 0.2 and 0.5 mm), always sparing the tooth surface;
  • State-of-the-art materials are able to replicate the natural dentition as closely as possible, making it possible to change the colour, shape, orientation, size and even the length of the teeth.

Advantages of Dental Veneers

The placement of dental veneers is the treatment of excellence when it comes to non-invasive oral rehabilitation. With the placement of dental veneers it is possible:

  • Achieve a highly aesthetic and natural final result with a high degree of durability, since the ceramic has properties very similar to tooth enamel;
  • A precise adaptation between the ceramic of the dental veneer and the enamel of the tooth, with the tooth and veneer becoming one, increasing their resistance;
  • Creating a unique, natural and harmonious smile, moulded to the patient’s wishes and expectations, through prior planning and sharing with the patient;
  • Carry out a conservative treatment in which we avoid wearing down the surface of the tooth in order to apply the veneers. However, when this is not possible and tooth wear is necessary, it should be minimal (between 0.2 and 0.5 mm), always sparing the tooth surface;
  • State-of-the-art materials are able to replicate the natural dentition as closely as possible, making it possible to change the colour, shape, orientation, size and even the length of the teeth.
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Indications for Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin sheets of ceramic or composite resin that are applied to the outside of the teeth. They are indicated when the teeth are healthy but their aesthetics are not pleasing, allowing them to be corrected and/or perfected:

  • Darkened teeth or teeth with significant colour changes;
  • Teeth that have been worn down;
  • Teeth that are misaligned, chipped or have diastemas (gaps) between them;
  • Teeth with changes in shape;
  • Teeth with changes in size.

Indications for Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin sheets of ceramic or composite resin that are applied to the outside of the teeth.

facetas dentárias

They are indicated when the teeth are healthy but their aesthetics are not pleasing, allowing them to be corrected and/or perfected:

  • Darkened teeth or teeth with significant colour changes;
  • Teeth that have been worn down;
  • Teeth that are misaligned, chipped or have diastemas (gaps) between them;
  • Teeth with changes in shape;
  • Teeth with changes in size.

Step by step of placing Dental Veneers

   1. Digital Smile Assessment and Planning Consultation

At Instituto Dentário Alto dos Moinhos, we always start with an assessment appointment, in which the dentist ensures that there is an oral health condition and analyses the case in detail, in order to understand the patient’s objectives and present the different treatment plan options.

Regardless of the clinical case, moulds or digital images are always taken at the start of treatment, so that we can design the smile according to the unique characteristics of each face and share the whole process with the patient, helping to manage their expectations and achieve the desired result.

  2. Dental Preparation Consultation and Placement of Provisional Veneers

It is at this appointment that the tooth(s) are subjected to reduced surface wear (between 0.2 and 0.5mm) so that the temporary dental veneer(s) can be properly adhered. Please note that this tooth wear is not always necessary.

In close co-operation with the dental laboratory of excellence, we await the completion of the permanent dental veneer(s).

  3. Permanent Veneer Placement Consultation

After the fittings, in which the dentist and patient ensure that they are satisfied with the final result they will obtain, the temporary dental veneers are replaced by the cementation of the permanent dental veneers. After the respective adjustments, the patient is only instructed to maintain the usual oral hygiene care.

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facetas dentárias

Step by step of placing Dental Veneers

1. Digital Smile Assessment and Planning Consultation

At Instituto Dentário Alto dos Moinhos, we always start with an assessment appointment, in which the dentist ensures that there is an oral health condition and analyses the case in detail, in order to understand the patient’s objectives and present the different treatment plan options.

Regardless of the clinical case, moulds or digital images are always taken at the start of treatment, so that we can design the smile according to the unique characteristics of each face and share the whole process with the patient, helping to manage their expectations and achieve the desired result.

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2. Dental Preparation Consultation and Placement of Provisional Veneers

It is at this appointment that the tooth(s) are subjected to reduced surface wear (between 0.2 and 0.5mm) so that the temporary dental veneer(s) can be properly adhered. Please note that this tooth wear is not always necessary.

In close co-operation with the dental laboratory of excellence, we await the completion of the permanent dental veneer(s).

3. Permanent Veneer Placement Consultation

After the fittings, in which the dentist and patient ensure that they are satisfied with the final result they will obtain, the temporary dental veneers are replaced by the cementation of the permanent dental veneers. After the respective adjustments, the patient is only instructed to maintain the usual oral hygiene care.

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Treatment with dental veneers is expected to last a long time, and it is extremely important for this to happen that the patient complies with all the hygiene precautions recommended by the dentist.

Clinical Cases


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