What does the Oral Hygiene consultation consist of?

Oral Hygiene
consulta higiene oral

Oral hygiene is the appointment where all patients should start.

It is here that the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of the main oral diseases, such as caries lesions and gum disease, is carried out. It is also essential for the maintenance of treatments carried out in other areas of dentistry, in order to guarantee their success.

The objectives of the Oral Hygiene consultation

The main aim of an oral hygiene appointment, in addition to the treatment itself, is to educate and promote good oral health habits and prevent possible oral pathologies.

The appointment requires not only a clinical component, but also a personalised teaching component, adapted to each patient, educating and promoting good oral health habits to maintain a healthy smile, by demonstrating and teaching the correct brushing techniques (which should be carried out at least twice a day), the use of dental floss and/or the use of mouthwashes.

The Oral Hygiene appointment consists of removing plaque and tartar through scaling, prophylaxis, polishing and topical fluoride application.

Don’t forget that visits to the oral hygienist should be regular, at least every six months, in order to guarantee a healthy smile.

Dra. Inês Gravito

Dra. Inês Gravito


| Specialist in Oral Surgery

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